Code of Conduct
Glen Manor’s goal is to provide our runners with an environment that will enable them to achieve their competitive potential. Parents, athletes, and coaches are expected to follow general rules and principles while at practice, meets, and while traveling. Our Code of Conduct applies to all Members of Glen Manor, which includes athletes, families, coaches, and volunteers. The policy applies to conduct at any Glen Manor activities, programs and events and includes conduct in activities in any way related to Glen Manor and/or its members.
All coaches, athletes, parents and volunteers are expected to:
Behave in a manner that is respectful and courteous to others
Refrain from the use of demeaning or belittling language
Refrain from the use of abusive or confrontational approaches to athletes, coaches, meet officials, or parents
Work in a spirit of cooperation
Act in a manner that will bring commendation to Glen Manor , it’s members and themselves
All Glen Manor athletes are expected to:
Comply at all times with the bylaws, policies, rules and regulations of the IAAF, Athletics Canada, Athletics Ontario and MTA.
Participate in a spirit of fair play and honesty.
Arrive at practices and meets at the times designated by their coach.
Know their training schedules.
Know their best times for their events.
Be attentive to their coach and to follow coaching directives and suggestions.
Display a positive and consistent work ethic.
Display a positive and respectful attitude, and behaviour, toward other athletes, parents, coaches and officials.
All Glen Manor coaches are expected to:
Ensure the safety of the athletes with whom they work.
Remember that competition should be healthy and enjoyable for all.
Serve as role models to athletes, both in terms of technique and strategy, and in terms of behavioural expectations in and out of competition.
Ensure that the health, well-being and development of the athletes take precedence over wins and losses.
Provide a physically and emotionally safe environment for training and competition.
Maintain a professional demeanour in their relationships with athletes, officials, colleagues, and parents.
Follow safe training and conditioning techniques.
Demonstrate an understanding of growth and developmental stages of their athletes.
Encourage success for the athletes in and out of competition; including encouraging continued commitment to academic achievement.
Communicate and cooperate with the athlete’s parents or legal guardians, involving them in management decisions pertaining to their child’s development.
Educate athletes about nutrition, safe and healthy weight loss or gain, and healthy eating behaviours.
Encourage the independence and self-determination of developing athletes to accept responsibility for their own decisions, conduct and performance.
Regularly seek ways of increasing professional development.
Obtain a Police Check in compliance with ATHLETICS ONTARIO rules.
Tips for Parents
Parents are expected to support and encourage their athlete(s).
Don’t instruct your athlete before or after a competition. It may conflict with the coach’s plans and strategies.
Show respect for all competitors, coaches, spectators and support groups.
Take time to talk with coaches in an appropriate manner, including proper time and place, if there is a concern.
Reinforce our perspective that your athlete’s physical and emotional development is a process. Every experience provides them with an opportunity to improve.
Praise them in their attempt to improve themselves as athletes and as people.
Help your athlete learn that all outcomes, whether good or not so good, will be experienced in their development, and that they can feel good about themselves, in either case.
Parents are expected to encourage and support healthy living through such things as appropriate nutrition, and rest.
Be a positive role model through your own actions to make sure our athlete has the best experience possible. Remain positive and upbeat on race day, even if they are not. Athletes read your body language and emotions. You have to be the rock.
Be a “team” cheerleader, not a “my kid” cheerleader.
Be respectful of all officials’ decisions.
Gain an understanding and appreciation for the rules of our sport.
Be a positive role model at athletic contests.
Meet Protocol
Time of arrival and where to meet the team will be communicated to athletes for each individual meet. In most instances, it is recommended that athletes arrive 1.5 hours prior to the start of their race at a cross-country or track meet. This will provides the athletes with sufficient time to register, walk the course (cross-country season) or familiarize themselves with the venue (track), and still have enough time to comfortably complete a proper warm up prior to the start of their race. During the meet, athletes will sit with coaches and team members at a designated area. During competition, all athletes must wear a Glen Manor racing top.
Parents are invited to sit with the team if allowed by the venue. Parents are encouraged to support their runners(s) and the other runners on the team but are asked to refrain from coaching or otherwise instructing the athletes on technique or strategy.